Scientific and falsity theories divert the attention of human beings from the truth. Example is the microwave pulse theory, which was theorized as the cause of typhoon Yolanda or Haiyan in the Philippines; that it was man made. Also, it suggests that a personality from US is being suggested to be behind it and the storm was subjected to control. The "scientific" proof was presented that at the time of its development, microwave pulse was detected, as what have been observed in other storms prior to Yolanda. Let us try discussing the merits of the above viral issue. First issue -on the evidence. The "scientific" proof presented by the presentor lacks legal basis due to his utter lack of personal knowledge. Because he was not present during the storm, either above or below or inside the storm, at the time it was developing, at the time of its raging and at the time it exited from the Philippines. Besides, he was not able to ask the microwave, what was he...